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Dalton Bears

On this page you will be able to see all our Dalton Bears and their adventures.

If you have not already done so, please collect your Dalton Bear from school if you are a member of our school.



Poppy and her bear are doing their Maths work. 

Primrose and Esmae dressed to express in their school uniform. They brought their 'buggies' to pick up their

Dalton bears

Mikey, Amelia, Jacob and Noah went to feed the ducks with their bears this weekend.



Jax has called his bear Baby Bear. He sleeps with it every night. Baby Bear sometimes wears Jax's baby hat too.



Kylan picked up his bear from school. It was lovely to see him.

Kylan's bear enojyed his sweet box.

Noah loves his bear too!

Arabella and her bear are reading 

'Giraffes can't Dance' just like to children in school.