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Learning at home

It has been lovely to receive photographs of activities taking place at home when the school has been closed.

We have heard about children:

  • enjoying the sunshine in their gardens and planting seeds and shoots
  • baking biscuits
  • playing board games with their families
  • painting and making things
  • writing poems
  • Making scrapbooks and writing dairies
  • Using Purple Mash to practise times tables
  • Taking part in Joe Wickes workouts

Please let us know about the activities you are taking part in and look at the photographs we've received so far...

What have you learned to do?

Over the past four weeks it has been lovely to see different examples of how you have been learning at home - most of them have been shared on this page. 

This is an opportunity for us to practise skills that we sometimes don't have time for in our busy lives:

  • Esmae has learned to ride a bike
  • Archie and Stan have completed a project about Ancient Eygpt
  • Amelia and Mikey have also learned about Ancient Eygpt and make their own pyramids out of salt dough
  • Logan has been picking up litter in his street (safely with his Dad) and was rewarded with an Easter egg by the Police
  • Arabella and Reuben have written to and posted letters to people they care about
  • Different children have made crosses for our display in school when we return...

What can you learn to do in this time?

Primrose would have started our Nursery this week so Esmae and her had a photograph taken wearing their school uniform to mark the occasion.